Energy Readings
Mediumship Readings
These readings often start with me asking you to give permission to talk to your spirit guides, angels and past loved ones. Nothing that happens in the healing room without your own expressed permission. This is a safe space for the communication from the other side to be verified and acknowledged by I and yourself.
My style of communication comes through in images, smells, memories, colours and a sense of the persons personality through personal quicks and voice the colour of their hair and the way they stand. Often the dead want to feed me and tell me what they are up to in there after life. They often go back to the way they looked when they were the most happy in life. So please expect that they might look different from the day they died…. in almost every situation this occurs. This is a very immersive experience for me and can sometimes be over whelming as I often feel through medical mediumship the way they died as pain in my body or tightness or stress.
The dead often have messages for the love ones in life which I love to pass on to the family still living. Once your family gets over to the other side they are greeted by the loved ones in the garden of reprieve. In this garden the sun is always rising and everything is always in full bloom. To get there they need to follow their angel team and cross the bridge in front of them and catch their door. If they don’t and they decide to run they can and will get stuck in the vail between worlds which is not a great place to be. If they are not presented with a door they will then be presented with a canoe which will take them into death the long way around. That usually happens when the soul is taken quickly and doesn’t have time to adjust to their new state. The canoe give them some lead time to adjust to what happening. If you feel called and want to converse with your loved one on the other side this is the session for you.
Soul Anatomy Readings and Portraits
This image is a portrait of a client subtle bodies, aura and all their main family influences.
The soul is made up of many different parts…the aura, the absolute outside expression of how the world influences you. The subtle bodies.. these are the layers of your soul that represent internal resources, skills, and talents, and how you display your true self in the world around you. Lastly your chakras… the 21 pistons that keep every part of you flowing together in a balanced way that is unique to you. All 3 parts are in constant motion and communication with each other …. unless there not! in which case I will problem tell you so during the reading. There are always going to be energetic friend and family influencers that also have a place inside you soul, they sit in your aura and move around according to how close your relationship is with them. The soul itself is made up of pure vibrational quantum light energy. The energy layers of our soul are different colours depending on our frequency and vibrational coding. The energetic egg we live in is always in connection with our heart rate and nervous system. Our soul is also in response to our emotional, mental, physical and psychological reaction, patterning and past memory experiences.
For me there is a lot to read and digest everywhere I look. Every living thing on the planet has a soul… I often look at everything in my environment like a moving art work made up of a hundred million billion points of light. When starting a reading I like to just take it all in and often will sit and absorb what your soul looks like and speak about what its telling me. It takes about a good 5 minutes to see a full revolution of someones soul, each revolution will show me something different that needs attention or work. These sessions usually take about 60 mins and often result in a ton of information. Please bring a fully charged cell phone to record your session. When this reading is over my clients often come away with better understanding of self, a bunch more ideas, and tools in their pocket about how to deal with life. You also come away with a wonderful full colour portrait of your soul all its aspects. Plus all your influences of your family and friends and how they influence you as well. This is a great session to have if your feeling little lost and out of sink with your life mission and in need of some soul direction and realignment.
Totem Animal Readings
In my experience every sentient being has at least three totem helpers from the natural world. The first is your birth totem, they travel with you and represent the basic make up of your personality. They teach you about your habits, skills and talents and how navigate the world around you in the most productive way. The second animal is your shadow totem. They represent your dark side, this is the animal you fear the most or makes you the most nervous or anxious. They teach you how to overcome your fears, phobias and in the end grant you with great clarity. They often move to the third group when you’ve had a self discovery and a shift in your life. The third type of animal totem has a tendency to show up in groups. These are your transient totems. They teach you short lessons that are very important, but not life time lessons. They usually represent a persons emotions, morals, values and judgments about the world around you. All of these creatures are our natures way of giving us teachable siblings to learn from. They show up in strange ways and tech us how to better understand ourselves. These spirit guide can range from insects all the way up to wild animals in the great out doors. When clients get a readings like this its usually pretty fun and an eye opening experience. They usually leave feeling excited and have a whole new perspective on who they are. If you love nature and love its creatures, and relate to animals more the people this would be a great reading for you.
Angel Readings
My relationship with my guardian angels has always been there I don’t remember a time when they weren’t present. They help me to hear spirit, and communicate with me like any other normal family member. When doing a reading for someone I often have a conversation with my angel family and the clients angel as well. Then take what I have learned from that communication and pass it along. It’s often a very communal thing.
Angels have rules in the way they do things. They will only intercept, or join in a conversation if asked, or if their human or sentient charge is in mortal danger. Permission is always needed…. the mutual respect for the lives of both parties must be understood. In doing a reading for a client the first thing that I ask is to come prepared with a lot of question. Angels are just like us and their time and energy is valuable. You would never call some one on the phone, and not have anything to say so don’t do this to them.
Everybody has at least three guardian angels if not more, it depend on how intuitive you are. Your first angel is your birth angel… they grow and mature as you do from birth to death. You know that imaginary or invisible friend that everybody has when their little! Yeah that’s the same person… they never leave you…. even when you can’t see them any longer. They are the voice of reason that reminds us of who we are and encourages us to try new things. The second angels is for the protection of our mortal selves, mind, body and spirit. They step forward if you’re in mortal danger, or if your are sick or injured. They are the ones that lead the way in rescuing you no matter the trouble or danger. The third angel is our wisdom angel who guides and teaches and encourages us to learn and explore the new in our world. They gently remind us to remember who we are and to live our lives in balance according to the world in which we live.
Esoteric Readings
These reading are more about the guiding and direction of the future. They often derived from many different kinds of modalities that are based in the occult that are called the mystic arts. please bring a fully charged phone with voice memo on it so you can record your sessions.
Numerology is a spiritual science that helps clients understand their life lessons, in accordance to the numbers in the birth name and birthday. These number codes are akashic in nature. They explain our souls mission and trajectory in terms of our karmic choices, throughout all our lives, across all time and space, and all dimensions. This reading can teach you about your blind spots and help your regain your life purpose. Each number from 1 to 9 has karmic lessons that radiate a vibration that helps focus our lives. knowing these codes and vibrational transmissions can change your life. My clients say this reading leaves them feeling heard and understood from a new perspective. Giving them the courage and ambition to live their life on their own teams from a soulfully driven life directive. These sessions are packed with a huge amount of information, and also cross over with other modalities.
Everyone is always asking about repeating numbers …here is a quick reference from a numerological point of view!
Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
I will begin by saying that I have a very different way of reading with cards. This way has been handed down to me over the ages intuitively by my higher self, and genetically in my bloodline. When you first sit with me during a session like this you will be told that you’re not to touch my cards. Instead you will introduce yourself to the cards by saying your full name aloud, I then shuffle the cards and they drop intuitively. The belief that everything is energetic takes on a new meaning here. I ask my clients to come with a huge amount of questions. ….I don’t need to hear them. As I shuffle the cards on their behalf you must silently ask your questions to the cards and make eye contact with the cards. This creates an energetic flow that is then observed by me. I then set the card up in your desired spread and interpreted the story back to you. This way of reading is very different then the mainstream but is bang on in its efficiency to get to the heart and truth of any matter.
There are 4 main spreads that I do because, they work for me. I believe they give the best and most direct answers to my clients question. The first is a yearly reading. A card for each month of the year is dropped, plus 5 to 6 more cards in the middle of the yearly circle. The monthly cards explain the situation you find yourself in. The middle cards give more details about how you can deal with each situation as the months go by. My clients love this spread and are known for coming back every year to get this reading done. I have been told countless time that this reading is extremely accurate… which makes me happy and surprises me every time LOL. The second of the spread that I like to do is the Ten month celtic cross. This spread is allocated to just one part of your life. It runs through all the different things that will come up between you and everyone involved in that particular part of your life. My clients usually ask for this spread more often then not when they want huge question to ask about work, career and personal relationships. The third spread that I offer is a snoop reading and this is a in-depth reading about somebody else in my clients life. How the actions of others will influence the choices and outcomes of the clients life. the forth and last reading is a 3 to 9 card spread that is just about one situation that involves just the client. This reading is mainly used to decifer the past, present, and future. It will often pin point blocks and patterns that the client isn’t seeing in their life. All these readings are really helpful and great if you are new to the world of energy and esoteric wisdoms.
If you want a light and amusing reading that will give insight into who you are and where your headed…. then palmistry is for you. The hands are great gage for how your doing in life, from all aspects past, present, and future. You’ll get a general understanding and guidance for your career, love life, health and family relationships with this reading. When I first take a look at your hand it in a dry read state… my first impression is without questions or information from you… I prefer it this way…. less distraction equals a better reading. Reading the hand is like looking at the computer screen of the soul, the many influences that create change in your life can all be read. After about a minute of so I will begin to tell you what is see…I encourage you at this point to ask question to direct the flow the reading. Everything that you think, feel, create or worry about will show up on your hands… even the influences of other people in your past and present lives. Your choices, decisions, ideas, hopes and dreams effect the way the lines and shape grown your palm. Palmistry is interpretidon of your soul through the language of signs and symbols. This esoteric spiritual science is a lovely and fun way to get to know yourself better. Gain some knowledge and incite about your up coming journey on planet earth.