Yoga the Practice of
Connecting the Body,Mind & Spirit
Through Movement, Breath & Meditation
Stretch your body… Clear your mind… Calm your soul..!
Let balance be your guide through this journey we call life!
The physical practice of yoga in my mind take 60 minutes. In the yin tradition poses are gentle and slow and follow the rhythmic breaths your autonomic nervous system. We hold these poses for 3 to 5 minutes each.
This practice helps to relax the facia around the muscles and bone. Which in tern will help you to release stress on all levels, thus becoming more flexible in all parts of your life. Dream it.
Breath or the pranayama practice helps the mind to focus, while relaxing the body and it’s nervous system. This is key to the deep healing that can take place between our three parted system. Body, mind, and soul connect at a higher level and start to create a deeper connection to self awareness.
These techniques help the mind and body to relax and come back into coherence with the heart and soul.
This practice clears the head of stressful thoughts, and help release pain and lingering past emotions and experiences trapped in the body.
Meditation and nidra are ancient practices that still the mind and connect the heart to the higher self and create peace within us. Bringing each individual closer to the love of source in their own unique way.
The Nidra meditation happens at the end of class and takes about 30 minutes . This practice is a conscious relaxation that helps the sympathetic nervous system to power down.. taking your ego off line for a time. The intention is to induce the parasympathetic nervous system to come on line. Creating a balance of all your systems. Leading your body, mind, and soul into total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. During this process your Brain will shut off and you will get the much needed break that everyone requires in our busy world.